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Our Shepherding families consist of the member families of our church. Each group has two months they are responsible for each year. Families and individuals may be contacted to greet, usher, read scripture, serve communion, help at funerals, weddings, auction sales. We also ask $10 from each family annually to help with the food expenses.


Shepherding Book


History of Shepherding Program

The journey began in 1992. Sadly, attendance at the WELCA monthly meetings was on the decline, and the nominating committee couldn't find anyone willing to serve as leaders in 1993. With many more women holding jobs outside the home, a handful of women were doing the work of the church.

Then we learned of a new way of serving: divide the congregation into serving groups (shepherding families) that included EVERYONE. At the annual meeting in January 1993, the congregation voted to try the shepherding program. It was an instant success, and we have become accustomed to seeing people of all ages serving at worship services, funerals, and other events. An added bonus is that we become acquainted with the members of our shepherding families as we serve together.

The keys to a successful shepherding program are people willing to serve as leaders. Some of our current leaders have served for several years and would welcome a break. If you could take a turn at being a leader, contact the church office.